Descriptive Writing


Unit 2-  Add these assignments to the Descriptive Writing page:

  1. Sensory Packet
  2. Spatial Order Exercise
  3. Stages of Development Abstract
  4. Don’t Tell, Show Assignment
  5. Descriptive Essay (text)
  6. Descriptive Presentation (multimodal)

Read a college professor’s blog post called Multimodal Mondays: Remixing Rhetoric through Visual Analysis

Spatial Order Exercise

Write an Abstract: Stages of Development

Work on the stages of development.

Finish abstract at home.

Show, Don’t Tell presentation

Do the Don’t Tell, Show assignment

Write a draft by following the outline.
Use the online tools to make the presentation multimodal.

Read this handout about categories of multimodal compositions:

  • color choices
  • spatial design
  • font options
  • images/video/audio

Review the rubric.

Link your presentation on your blog and to this document.
Give a presentation.

Critique of students. (peer review)

Final draft Presentation